How can well-being be the key to Companies challenges?

Tania Santos - November 20, 2020
People management challenges have been quite a hot topic, nowadays.
Especially during these fast changing times in which an urgent response from the companies and their top managers is needed in order to keep up with the game and make your business thrive.

But what challenges are we really talking about? And how can they be a threat?

If you want your company to thrive, you must be aware of the challenges you face.

Long has been the time where companies only had to worry about how to sell their product, how much they would have to pay their employees to do so and the amount of revenue made.

Nowadays, keeping this kind of mindset can literally ruin your chance of survival in a thirsty and competitive market.

Times have changed, a lot of new multicultural generations coexist in the same workspace and teams, bringing with them different kinds of needs, beliefs, skills and expectations.

Managing all of this can be quite challenging and certainly is the cause of some headaches for HR departments.

So let us point the main people management problems that you are much probably facing:

1- Lack of time

Who has never come to the end of a work day feeling frustrated and anxious for not having time to do everything that needs to be done?
This is something that happens frequently in our work, and somehow is something really hard to overcome. Time is a limited source and a day will always have only 24 hours. However tasks need to be done, in time, despite the overwhelming workload.

Leading and handling a good People Management Strategy is something that can be really time consuming. And with scarcity of time, other problems arise.

A study done in 2018 by Elad N. Sherf and his team found that on days when managers experienced heavier workloads and felt a lack of time, they prioritized their technical tasks to a greater extent, and acted less fairly toward employees, compared to days they had lighter workloads and experienced more free time and less anxiety.

Besides the sense of being fairly treated, another thing that is dramatically affected is the capacity to keep an efficient communication.

2- Lack of Communication and distance between teams

When employees are more stressed and trying to get all things done they will not care much about their coworkers and the way they communicate with each other. The only thing that matters is to finish what they have in their hands.

And why is this a bad thing for the company if they are worried about getting things done?

As counterintuitive as this may seem, communication problems, as lack of transparency and silo mentalities, are believed to impact operations, reduce employee motivation and be the origin of poor results and negative company cultures.

Studies have shown that over 75% of employees lost confidence in their managers due to lack of communication. And confidence is one of the biggest X-factors to keep employees happy.

3- Low employee performance

Everything that was said previously, has larger consequences on employees lives and their careers than it might seem at first hand.

When people feel overwhelmed, unmotivated, unheard, disconnected from what they are doing and from other people and fail pursuing their goals, they will see their level of well-being seriously affected.

Well-being is not just a trend.
It is well known the importance of experiencing a sense of balance and flourishing in our lives.
It will help us keep a positive mindset, be more resilient, healthier and creative.

There’s plenty of studies that also show the correlation between well-being and performance, showing a direct correlation between both.

If your employees aren’t flourishing, the chances of seeing productivity and performance rates in your company heating the bottom, are really high. And as you know this will bring you serious problems.

How can all of what was said, threaten so much your business?

It seems that in the end, all the factors mentioned above will influence your employees productivity and performance, ending up in poor results and revenues for the company and affecting the company's growth.

How? Let’s see:
- Not giving the right time and attention to understand your employees real needs, will hardly affect their motivation, trust and engagement with the company.

-When communication is poor, quality of relationships will suffer a lot, resulting in disoriented and divided teams, affecting the final results. Also, if people don’t have clarity about the company goals and next strategic moves or feel that crucial information is hidden from them, it will increase the sense of unfairness and distrust.

-When people are not at their best, they will experience less creativity and motivation and they will see their productivity fall. Also, there’s a lot of studies that proves that well-being can seriously affect our health.

Besides affecting performance, all of these will lead to higher rates of turn-over and absenteeism, costing annually tons of time and money to companies.

What’s the best way to solve this?

Well-being is the key.

If you want to see all these problems solved it’s time to start implementing a People Management Strategy focused on your employees well-being and happiness.

Besides all the studies and science proving the benefits is almost intuitive to understand how happy people are more productive.

Just think about yourself. How do you perform your best?

Working on collaborative teams and workplaces, where people get the chance to learn and really know each other, improves, trust, loyalty and outcomes. And this is only possible by breaking down silos and providing good communication between people.

From an employee point of view, communication can do a lot for the quality of relationships lived in the workplace, well-being, motivation and creativity.

All of these will elevate productivity and employee performance, strengthen the organization both internally and externally.

But how can your company improve well-being and happiness in a way that really works?

The problem for some strategies to fail happens for two reasons:
  • Your HR department needs more knowledge and time to implement the right strategy
  • Many organizations don’t provide modern automated tools that will help work the culture you need

Wellbeing Warrior can help you!

By using our tool you will have access to an easy and intuitive online platform and a team of Chief Happiness Officers that will help you find and implement the right strategy for your company, through automated initiatives thought to:
  • Connect people and break down silos between different teams and departments
  • Create a culture of transparency, trust and constant feedback
  • Improve employee well-being and skills development

Start now your free-trial period and be a Wellbeing Warrior!

Together we can build happier workplaces.
